The Series

  Diary Of A Wimpy Kid was first published online @ then in April 2007 a publisher in New York decided to publish the book.  Greg Heffely was created in January 1998 in a small apartment in the USA.    Soon after the first book Jeff Kinney wrote a sequel called ''Rodrick Rules''  it was released in Febuary 2008.   Lots of people wanted to live like Greg they copied him, wrote in diarys & slept in their underwear and all that stuff. So Jeff Kinney made a Diary Of A Wimpy Kid activity book so people would feel like the fiction cartoon. So the Do-It-Yourself book was soon released. After the activity book he made a 3rd book called ''The Last Straw which was released in January 2009. Then after the school years he decided Greg should write a diary in the summer time which became Dog Days and it was released in October that same year. Soon in 2010 after the Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Movie hit chinemas Jeff wrote a book about his expierence, the actors expierence and the crews that was called The Wimpy Kid movie diary. That was the history of Diary Of A wimpy kid-Wimpy Kid fan